Sul web l’informazione globale per gli amanti dell’Italia – Tecnologia –

Rilancio con piacere l’articolo dell’amico Paolo Pontoniere apparso su dove si annuncia la nascita di Italian World Channel, una bella iniziativa pensata da investitori Italiani per portare la cultura e la tradizione Italiana negli Stati Uniti.

Italian World Channel vuole rappresentare l’eccellenza Italiana nel mondo valorizzando le nostre peculiarità e le nostre tradizioni affinchè si sia percepiti con uno standing culturale ed umano più elevato.

Molto bello il VIDEO PROMO

Buona fortuna Italian World Channel, ti vogliamo già bene 🙂

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6 Risposte

  1. alex

    WorLd Michel, “world” (della soncinizzazione dell’ingegnere)

  2. Gabriella

    One thing I can say about you Michele- you keep me updated on the news back home using the Internet. I am linked to you via Facebook & FF therefore I wanted to personally thank you.

    With that said I would like to make a few suggestions. When you use anchored links in your text or any part of your page make sure the link opens in another window rather than the same one. Nothing worst than loosing readers because of usability issues especially if you are the “Technology” pulse for the Italian market.

    Another suggestion is you are using too many tags that have nothing to do with the post. Maybe you are trying to generate organic traffic but to blatantly use variations of the same word or using words that have nothing to do with the post like (ie, the iphone?) or these “italian world channel, ITALIANA, italiani, Italy,” looks cheap and tawdry.

    Look I like you site don’t get me wrong. If you want we can discuss how you can make it 100 times better for readers like me or you can have an area where people can send you a private email. Again thanks Michele you are doing a brilliant job.

  3. micheleficara

    @ alex corretto !


    @gabriella interessanti suggerimenti gabriella 🙂

    decisamente grazie !!!

    sei in italia o all’estero ?

  4. Gabriella

    Sono in America ma possiamo comunicare su skype. Visito casa (napoli) ogni anno purtroppo sono troppo occupata questa estate 🙁 Spero l’anno prossimo… ma chi sa con tutto questo lavoro.

  5. cal

    There have been a bunch of TV channels like this — all were cheesy and were around for just a short while. I don’t see anything different about this project, but will have to wait and see…

  6. micheleficara

    i think that italian world channel is a very special project …

    stay tuned
